Michael is a Professor in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick…

New Book Announcement - 'X Marks the Spot: The Story of Archaeology in Eight Extraordinary Discoveries'

I am excited to announce that Hodder & Stoughton will publish my history of discovery 'X Marks the Spot: The Story of Archaeology in Eight Extraordinary Discoveries' on 25th May 2023

Michael has been appointed as the new Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) at the University of Warwick...

International Lego Classicist 2022

Michael has been named as International Lego Classicist of the year 2022

Michael is the recipient of the 2021 Classical Association Prize for his outstanding work with Classics outreach

Michael has been named as Director of the newly created Warwick Institute of Engagement at the University of Warwick

Michael has been promoted to a Professorship at the University of Warwick in recognition of his achievements in research, teaching, public engagement and outreach

Michael has been named a National Teaching fellow by the HEA in recognition of teaching excellence

Scott is a lucid teacher who brings the past to life with his effortlessly engaging style.


- The Mail on Sunday.

Michael Scott deftly steers the study of ancient history into the twenty-first century.

- Prof. Walter Scheidel, Stanford University


This is a properly exciting state of the art History TV.




He’s a brilliant historian and communicator ... his new book, X Marks the Spot, is told with the spirit of an explorer and the intellectual rigour of an academic ... an exhilarating and eye-opening read.

- Anna Baty, Hodder & Stoughton Senior Commissioning Editor

Michael, honestly, I do think the students of Warwick are very lucky to have you because your enthusiasm is so fabulous.



The sanctuary of Olympia during the Classical Period

I am writing a 10,000 word article on the sanctuary of Olympia during the Classical Period for the new Oxford […] Read More

X Marks the Spot book Michael Scott publicity

X Marks the Spot: The Story of Archaeology in Eight Extraordinary Discoveries

Uncovering the physical remains of our past is a quintessential human itch; the pursuit of every society from the ancients […] Read More

‘Making Stones Speak’ in Issue 16 of Aspects of History

Michael has written an article for  Issue 16 of Aspects of History about his new book ‘X Marks the Spot’ […] Read More

Sex – A Bonkers History

In a new series airing at 9pm on September 18th on Sky History, I put Amanda Holden through her paces, […] Read More

X Marks the Spot – Gloucester History Festival – Tuesday 12th September

Through eight sensational stories of discovery, from the Rosetta Stone and the Terracotta Warriors to Machu Picchu, Michael Scott traces the evolution […] Read More

X Marks the Spot book Michael Scott publicity

X Marks the Spot (or perhaps never, ever, marks the spot)

My new book – X Marks the Spot: The Story of Archaeology in Eight Extraordinary Discoveries – is coming out on 25th May 2023, published by Hodder and Stoughton. As the eagle-eyed may have spotted, the title owes something to Indiana Jones (and there’s the new Indiana Jones film coming out this June). It’s Indiana who tells his archaeology class that X, never, ever, marks the spot (except that of […] Read More