Michael is an Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick, author of several books on ancient Greek and Roman society, and has written and presented a range of documentaries for National Geographic, History Channel and the BBC.
Working with…
Michael is an Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick, UK, and the President of the Lytham St Annes Classical Association. His research and teaching focuses on the ancient history and archaeology of the Greek and Roman worlds. He has written a number of books on aspects of ancient Greek and Roman society and written and presented a range of TV and Radio programmes for National Geographic, History Channel, Nova, BBC & ITV including Delphi: bellybutton of the ancient world (BBC4); Guilty Pleasures: luxury in the ancient and medieval words (BBC4); Jesus: rise to power (Nat Geo); Ancient Discoveries (History Channel); Who were the Greeks? (BBC2); The Mystery of the X Tombs (BBC2/Nova); The Greatest Show on Earth (BBC4, in conjunction with the Open University) and Roman Britain from the Air (ITV). He also presents a radio series for BBC Radio 4, ‘Spin the Globe’, writes for national and international newspapers and magazines, lectures to schools and groups in the UK and Europe, and has taught in the UK, Europe, US and Brazil.
Michael’s full CV is available to download here. A brief overview of some of his more recent activities is listed below.
2014-Present – Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History, University of Warwick.
2012-2014 – Assistant Professor in Classics and Ancient History, University of Warwick.
2011-14 – Stipendiary Research Associate, Darwin College, University of Cambridge.
2010-13 – Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge.
2007-11 – Moses and Mary Finley Research Fellow in Ancient History, Darwin College, Cambridge.
Academic Papers
2014 – Royal Holloway, Research Seminar series. Invited speaker.
2014 – University of Kent, Research Seminar series. Invited speaker.
2013 – St Andrews University, Research Seminar series. Invited speaker.
2013 – Wolfson College, Cambridge: Humanities Seminar Series. Invited speaker. Theatre in the ancient Greek world.
2012 – Darwin Lecture Series, Cambridge. Invited speaker: Life in ancient Greece. (Youngest invited speaker in the series’ 25 year history) Watch this lecture.
2012 – Theory in Greek Archaeology conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Invited speaker: The religious topography of Athens.
2012 – UK Classical Association, Exeter. Paper presented: Final moments? Representing death on tombs in the Greek and Roman worlds.
2012-5 – Department of Classics, University of Warwick: Greek Culture and Society (1st years), Hellenistic World (2nd years), Democracy and Imperialism (2nd/3rd years), Greek Religion, (2nd/3rd years), Dissertations (3rd years), MA in Visual and Material Culture.
2011 – Lecturer for Classics Faculty, Cambridge Sacred Spaces in the Greek World (2nd years).
2010-11 – Ancient Greek Democracy then and now: Lecture course for International politics and relations students Fundacao Getulio Vargas University, Rio di Janeiro, Brazil.
Skills and Experience
2014 – Member of Governing Committee of Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning, University of Warwick
2014 – President of the Lytham St Annes Classical Association
2011-14 – Committee member: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.
2012 – Co-organiser and Chair: Impact of Moses Finley conference, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge.
2011 – External adjudicator for ancient history project proposals to the Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
2008-10 – College administration: Member of Governing body, Library, and Education and Research committees, Darwin College, Cambridge.